About Me

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Lucky enough to have been able to retire early after a career in engineering and computers, I have now spent over 10 years on the road and over a quarter million miles.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Here we go - a dream realised.

Yippee......what better reason to start a blog than being finally able to set off on a world journey!

A blog!!

I don't expect anybody will read it.....but at least it will survive if I lose my laptop and camera.

So here I am in Manchester, age 52, free as a bird, no property no kids no ties, the world is my oyster.

Well it's slightly more complicated than that, but nevertheless I'm off.

In a couple of days I get a flight to Thailand with nothing but a small case containing some clothes, a laptop and a credit card.

I'm no stranger to travel. For the last few years I have been camper vanning all over europe and north africa.......but finally I have decided to get away from europe and do some real traveling.

Next stop the island of Koh Samui in the gulf of Thailand, via Bangkok. No particular reason other than I have a couple of friends there who invited me.

I have no agenda for this trip. I don't have enough life left to see the whole world, so I am going to do what I have been doing in europe in the van so far.......

Just go with the flow...........

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